now first things first, Lewis Carroll's legendary creations, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

alright, so here's a little history on Alice which i found on this site (click to read more)...
- Lewis Carroll is actually the author's pen name, his real name is Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
- Dodgson wrote four versions of "Alice".
- (my favorite Alice fact so far) In Carroll's original (1862-1864) manuscript for the story, Alice's Adventures Underground, which he personally illustrated, Alice was not the little blond girl in a pinafore we have come to know from subsequent illustrations. Instead, she was originally a winsome, dark haired child, whose likeness had been patterned after ten year old Alice Liddell, the child of a church colleague, for whom the Alice stories had been originally created.
There are at least three direct links to Liddell in the two books. First, he set them on 4 May (Liddell's birthday) and 4 November (her "half-birthday"), and in Through the Looking-Glass the fictional Alice declares that her age is "seven and a half exactly", the same as Liddell on that date. Second, he dedicated them "to Alice Pleasance Liddell". Third, there is an acrostic poem at the end of Through the Looking-Glass. Reading downward, taking the first letter of each line, spells out Liddell's full name. The poem has no title in Through the Looking-Glass, but is usually referred to by its first line, "A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky".
A boat beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July--
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear--
Long has paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die.
Autumn frosts have slain July.
Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream--
Lingering in the golden gleam--
Life, what is it but a dream?
so, we have a lot to discuss...
the MOVIES, so far i only know 3 versions of Alice
directed by Norman Z. McLeod
Charlotte Henry as Alice

i haven't watch this version, but i saw some humpty-dumpty and mock turtle pictures. so, i figured that this version follows the exact storyline of the book. which is just wonderful in my opinion. i just luuurve olden day movies, they have more of a dreamlike quality than the movies in this era. which is to say, in this era movies look really real, which is good i guess for most movies, but sometimes (if it's a fantasy movie for instance) they lose their grasp on the real unrealistic magic along the way. you know what i mean? in other words, i would love to see this movie. and that 19something version of Romeo & Juliet, also an olden day movie, and the most accurate of the movies, or so they say.
1951 aka the Disney Version
Kathryn Beaumont as Alice

the cartoon Chesire Cat never fails to creep me out
anyway, this is the first Alice movie i saw -and most likely a lot of other little girls around the world- i liked watching this when i was a kid. it was nice and sort of comforting. and as a kid, i'd have had a different point of view on things. Neil Gaiman, the author of Coraline, wrote that (something like...) children read (Coraline) and would think of it as an adventure, while the adults would think of it as a horrible nightmare. so, how i would describe me, watching this version of Alice is similar to that. when i was a kid, i thought all the events (well, most of them) that occurred were most natural. as if it couldn't have gone any other way, because what did happen was very normal indeed. but now, me, as a teenager, i watched it again, and my only thought was this 'wow, that was sort of short' something like that. my point is that it probably worked better when i watched it as a kid.
directed by Tim Burton
Mia Wasikowska as Alice

and now, the Tim Burton version. when i finished watching it, i loved it. but then, now that i think of it, it was sort of strange. well, it was supposed to be strange, but it wasn't the right strange. granted, it was Tim Burton strange, but it was nice though. something new. it was a rather gloomier version of Alice. well, i did say this was my favorite version, but i'm not sure now. i did love it, but i always love cinematic movies after watching it in the cinemas. it has a more grander affect and puts on a greater impact than if i've watched it on TV. my opinion now is that, i think this is one of the movies that was awesome on the first time of watching, then a bit bored on the second time, because it was too awesome that i'd remember everything. i think i'm just being cynical, i'd love to watch it again. haha
pointless blabbing ;)
good day :)